Many CSAPS members have privileges at nearby hospitals and some will perform your surgery in public hospitals, however, most CSAPS members are affiliated with private surgical facilities. In fact, many CSAPS members act as the directors of private surgical facilities, to ensure control over every aspect of your care, safety and surgical results.
These medi-spa-style facilities are extremely private, personal and confidential, providing the highest level of care and the most cutting-edge technology, while upholding safety and cleanliness standards that are second to none. Each of these facilities are accredited through the provincial regulatory body of the college and physicians.
These regulations are very stringent and ensure that all aspects of patient care are addressed to ensure sterility and safety for patients. The combination of these regulations and a CSAPS trained plastic surgeon is the ultimate team for any aesthetic procedure.
The provincial programs that regulate facilities are under the titles OHP (Out of Hospital Premises) and IHP (Independent Health Facilities).
Most CSAPS members are affiliated with private surgical facilities.

Click here for a list of links to the regulatory colleges for your Province.
For your additional piece of mind, many CSAPS members operate facilities that meet or exceed the lofty standards of the CAAASF, ensuring the safest, highest-quality facilities and patient experience possible.
The Canadian Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery is grateful to the companies and supporters that help us reach our research and educational goals. Through these partnerships with our industry leaders, we’re innovating new practices and procedures, advancing knowledge in this cutting-edge field.